Melinda Bula
Quilt Artist, Pattern Designer and Instructor
Hibiscus Color Chart and Supply List

Finished size 28” x 28”
No sewing machine in needed for class!
Supply List
1 yd background fabric in a dark color
6 yds. Steam-A-Seam 2
Tweezers or stiletto to help you move small pieces around
Glue Stick
Large straight pins
Large and small sharp scissors for paper and fabric
Rotary cutter, rulers and mat
Sharpie markers, fine tip and bold, in black.
Pencil with eraser, small post-it notes
Plastic baggie to keep your pattern pieces in
Iron and ironing board (optional)
Teflon pressing sheet I like Fat Goddess by Misty Fuse size 21"x 27" or parchment paper to cover 28”x 28”
To finish your quilt at home:
Sulky 30 weight rayon thread in colors that match your flower
Jeans Denim needles or Top Stitch needles, in size 12/80 - 14/90
1 yd batting cotton batting (Quilters Dream Cotton) in the low loft
1 yd backing fabric
3 1/2yds finish binding